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Chiropractic Treatment

Lower Limb Pain

Our lower limb's are critical for getting from A to B! Whether you're walking, running, riding, swimming or surfing it's important to keep your lower limb's strong and mobile.


When assessing the lower limb we take a variety of regions into consideration, such as your toes, feet, knees, hips and pelvis. As is the nature with the whole body, but especially weight bearing joints, a limitation within one of these structures is likely to have a flow on effect on others. 


Here are some common presentations of the lower limb that we treat: 

- Sacroiliac joint irritation or instability

- Sciatica

- Hip Bursitis

- Femoroacetabular Impingement

- Piriformis Syndrome

- Ligament sprains

- Runner's Knee

- Meniscal Injuries

- Plantar Fasciitis

- Tendinopathies

- Muscle strains


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